Posted in Discussion, Games

Movies vs Video Games: An irrelevant debate I will engage in anyway

Sometimes I see articles comparing movies to video games and arguing for which one is better. Perhaps it’s simply because video games are big money now or that video games often have cutscenes that are pretty much exactly like scenes or sequences in films/movies and TV series. Prime examples of this being the Yakuza/Like a Dragon series of games and Sleeping Dogs.

In regards to which medium is better, I’ll first start with something more specific. Which medium can do the most things? Clearly the video game can do more because by definition is it a game that requires direct interaction from the player in order to progress. No interaction is possible with movies, it just plays from start to finish. If one uses this criteria then video games are objectively more versatile and by someone’s criteria that could automatically mean better/superior. It would be possible to essentially create a movie in a video game. But you could not create a video game in a movie. The only limitation of video game is that graphics cannot replicate photorealism particularly for humans. But graphics are so good these days it’s not really much of a limitation. This is something that continually improves and develops over time as technology progresses. It will be very interesting when we get to a point in time where a video game screenshot cannot be distinguished from a still frame from a live action movie.

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Posted in *Recommended, Games

Anniversary of Rieko Kodama’s Death

Rieko Kodama (aka Phoenix Rie) was one of the first women in video game development to have a significant role in creating some of the best and widely loved video games. She was an artist and designer and later on also became a director and producer. She passed away on May 9, 2022 although it wasn’t made public until months later in October when the Sega Genesis Mini 2 had a memorial message to her.

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Posted in *Recommended, Fantasia International Film Festival, Film Festivals, Games, Reviews

Brave Father Online – movie review – Fantasia 2019 [Recommended]

Brave Father Online – Our Story of Final Fantasy XIV /
劇場版ファイナルファンタジーXIV 光のお父さん (2019)
Director: Teruo Noguchi, Kiyoshi Yamamoto
Writer: Kota Fukihara
Cast: Kentaro Sakaguchi, Kotaro Yoshida
Cinematographer: Hikaru Yasuda


This was adapted from a supposedly true story that already had an existing adaptation in the form of a TV drama series “Final Fantasy XIV Dad of Light”. This film is a different adaptation but like the TV series, it’s about a son who secretly becomes friends with his father in Final Fantasy 14, an MMORPG video game, in order to get to know him better.


I initially had zero interest in watching this. The title and premise sounded cheesy to me. The idea that a significant part of the movie (apparently around 40%) is told with video game scenes sounded like an awful narrative device. However, on the other hand, it’s intriguing that these video game scenes required a separate director to direct real video game players to play the game in a way that would work to tell the story in a film. I’m pretty sure this is innovative (well besides the TV show version that I believe also did this). At least, I certainly cannot think of a movie that has used an actual video game world to tell part of its story.

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Posted in Games

Vanoss Gaming – Evan Fong

VanossGaming is one of the most popular youtube channels and it was created by Evan Fong from Toronto. He has slightly more subscribers than NigaHiga, who at one point had the most subscribers. Currently both channels have 16+ million subscribers (closer to 17 million). I have not followed youtube recently but Fong’s success seems to have happened relatively quickly. There’s one interesting article from the Finanical Post that gives some background. His channel mainly consists of video game footage of him and his friends playing with commentary from them. It’s like listening in on a bunch of guys just having fun playing video games. It’s edited to show the funny moments.

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Posted in Games

Jamie Cheng – founder of Klei Entertainment

While I was familiar with Klei Entertainment, I didn’t actually realize they were an independent Canadian video game developer based in Vancouver until recently. Jamie Cheng is the founder of the company and his goal in creating the company was to deliver games without having to work a crazy amount of overtime as is often the case in the super competitive video game industry. He wanted a company that offers stability where people who worked there could also raise a family. I recently came across a video and article from 2013 that gave some details about this.

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Posted in Games, Music, Reviews

Final Fantasy: A New World concert review

This is a bit late but with all the Fantasia film reviews and Just for Laughs review, I decided to delay this for a bit.

A New World: intimate music from FINAL FANTASY is a new concert of final fantasy music. Last year it sold out at Otakuthon. It returned this year with two showings at Montreal Comic Con on July 3. The New World concert differs from Distant Worlds in that music is composed for a chamber ensemble while the latter is performed by a larger symphonic orchestra. Along with conductor Arnie Roth, there were 11 musicians. The instruments were piano, guitar, a string quintet (2 violins, 1 viola, 1 cello, 1 double bass), a woodwind trio (a flute and the other instruments I wasn’t sure, maybe a clarinet and tuba, or some type of horn) and another person who did various percussion instruments and electronic keyboard.

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